Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Body Language and Attraction Contd

7. Body Pointing

It is true that the body points to where the mind wants to go. The
angles at which people stand when speaking to each other give
us clues as to how they feel or where they want to go.

Open Positioning

Just like with palm gestures, when a person likes you or is
interested in you, they will adopt an open body position. An
open body position can be spotted by looking at the angle
of their body relative to yours.
Typically in friendly encounters, the other person’s body will be
pointing at an angle 45 degrees relative to yours –
subsequently you’ll find that you’re body will be doing the

Closed Positioning

Closed positioning is used when two people want a bit of
intimacy. Their body angle will change from the ‘friendly’ 45
degrees to 0 degrees, i.e. they will face each other. If
someone uses closed positioning with you, it’s a signal that
they like you a lot.
Try taking half a step forward, into their intimate zone – if they
seem uncomfortable with this or they take a step back, don’t

Leg and Foot Pointing
As stated in the blurb for this section, the body points to where
the mind wants to go. Equally true is that a woman’s feet will
point to the most ‘attractive’ guy in the room, and vice versa
with guys on girls. This same principle applies to leg pointing.
If you watch carefully, you’ll see that a guy’s knee will be
pointed in the direction of the girl he finds most attractive.
We see these principles every day, for example when someone
wants to leave a room, at the very least you’ll see that their feet
point towards the exit.
8. General Flirting and Attraction Gestures
When in the company of the opposite sex, the body language of both
genders will change dramatically. Men will stand a little taller, no
slouching or slumping.
He will also stick his chest out and suck in his stomach – this makes
him appear more dominant, and happens automatically around
someone he likes or has taken a fancy to.
If a woman takes a liking to the described man, she will respond to
his gestures by drawing attention to her breasts, tilting her head,
touching her hair, and exposing her wrists – thus making her appear
There are of course, more deliberate flirting and attraction gestures,
but these are gestures made consciously, whereas the ones
described above are automatic, and made subconsciously.
9. Attraction Gestures Used by Men
Compared to women, men don’t have a large repertoire of attraction
gestures. When a man likes a woman, he will use gestures that
emphasize his masculinity.
The common gestures used by men are the expanding of the chest,
straightening of the back and pulling the stomach in. He’ll also adjust
his clothing or touch his hair.
Men typically use their thumbs to display dominance and masculinity;
subsequently a man will tuck his thumbs into his belt, pointing them at
his crotch to emphasize his manhood.
10. Attraction Gestures Used by Women
Fortunately for guys, women send out a whole plethora of signs and
signals to let him know she’s interested in him. Unfortunately for
women, many men are slow on the uptake, completely oblivious to
the signs and signals she is sending out. What makes things worse
is that women sometimes send out mixed signals, to manipulate men
into showing how they feel about her – this often leaves men
confused and subsequently, they won’t try to approach her.
When a woman looks around a room and sees a man she’s
interested in, she’ll often send a gaze his way until she catches his
eye. During this first look she typically holds his eye contact for 23
seconds, and then she looks away. Women may then perform other
gestures to show interest in her chosen guy.
A woman will use something known as the ‘Hair Flick’ around a guy
she fancies. This gesture involves flicking the hair over her shoulder
or away from the face. Even women with short hair use this
Another gesture to watch out for is the ‘self touch’. When a woman
slowly and sensually strokes her thigh or neck she implies that if the
man plays his cards right, he may be able to touch her in these
ways too.
The limp wrist is seen as a submission signal by many men, and as
such is used by women everywhere to make a guy feel that he could
dominate her. The limp wrist gesture is often used for maximum
effect when fondling a cylindrical object.
A similar gesture to the limp wrist is also used by women to reel in a
man. This gesture is known as the ‘exposed neck’, and is exactly as
the name says – the woman will tilt her head to one shoulder,
exposing her neck to the man. This gesture is seen by men as
submissive in much the same way as the limp wrist.

11. Single?
When people see someone they like, sometimes the only thing
holding them back from making an approach is the thought
that maybe their crush isn’t single. Imagine this scenario:
An attractive girl sees a group of people standing across the room
from her at a bar. She has her eye on one of the guys in the group,
and uses the gazing technique to let him know she’s interested.
He’s a bit slow on the uptake or maybe just a little nervous, so she
decides that maybe its time to go over there and give him an
opportunity to talk to her. At the same time this occurs, she notices
that her crush is standing next to another attractive girl, who seems to
be part of the group.
This throws the question “Are these two together?” So should she
stay where she is, or still go over to his area?
Personal Territory It is a scientific fact that the closer two people are emotionally, the closer they will stand, sit, or lie next to each other. Imagine a bubble around each and every person. This bubble encompasses the person and a small surrounding area. To that person, everything inside that bubble is ‘theirs’, and is known as their ‘Personal Space’. The size of this personal space varies a little from person to person but doesn’t differ to a great degree.
When two people are very close i.e. Lovers, Parents, Spouses, Close
Friends, Children, they will stand for the majority within 1545
centimeters of each other. Only those who are emotionally close to
us may enter this space and anyone else who enters may make the
person feel intimidated and take a step back from the invader.
Touch and Personal Claim
People touch or lean against something that they feel is theirs. For
example a person will sometimes lean on their walls at home, but
wouldn’t dream of being invited into a stranger’s house then leaning
on their walls. Lovers will hold hands, brush each other’s arms, or
‘tidy’ their partner up by brushing imaginary lint off their partner’s
One of the most unmistakable signals made by women to show claim
to a man is when she places her flat palm on his chest. Similarly a
man will place his hand on his partner’s waist or back.
The key things to remember here is that we touch things that we feel
are ours, and we do this in a variety of ways. Watch for the slightest
touches, fingers, arms, or even feet.
12. Recap
Although body language is universal in its meanings, it really is very
easy to get confused or mixed up when reading people’s body
language. As mentioned at the beginning of this Writeup, practice
makes perfect and the more you practice reading body language,
the easier it will become. Always remember to read gestures in
groups, and always remember to take into account the environment
around the person you are reading.
Thanks for Reading
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By leaving your comments.

Hope you enjoyed reading, and may I wish you the best in love and
Take care, Richard.A

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