Sunday, 4 January 2015


91. Don’t be too available.
If a person you are dating has let a week gone by before calling you up to set up
another date, then you should not accept the invitation. This is because it could show
them that you are too available, or are desperate in going out. If a person thinks about

you that way, then he may begin to think about you in a negative way and come up with bad ideas.
92. Don’t be confrontational.
You might think that being confrontational or aggressive can make the other person
think that you are self reliant and self-assured. Although this is true, it is actually not a
good idea to make this kind of impression on your first few dates. This is because, the
other person may come to think that you would be using your aggressive behavior to
manipulate him or her.
93. What to do when your date is reluctant in answering your questions.
Asking the right questions is very important in order to gain the right information from
your date. However, if your date is having second thoughts in answering them, then
either he or she is hiding something from you, or is trying to come up with a lie. You
can’t date someone who is not an open book, since you might end up expecting
something that he or she cannot provide.
94. You can always say no.
It is quite understandable that you want to be agreeable in order to prevent
confrontations. However, you can always say no if you really disagree on something. By doing that, you are actually being honest to your date. Aside from that, it would let your date get to know you better, and would also encourage them to be themselves as well.
95. If you want honesty, be honest.
Since you want your date to be honest, you should also be honest yourself. Being
honest means that you are being yourself. By doing that, you are actually revealing
yourself to your date, and it is up to him or her to like you for it or not. When you are
honest, it may also encourage the other person to be honest as well. Besides, being
honest can also help you see if the other person is lying or is telling you the truth.
96. It is fine to be unsure on the first date.
If you are not so sure about the outcome of your first date and you are still willing to give it a try, then you should contact the other person 2 to 4 days later. Some people can take some time to become more comfortable with someone new. Thus, after a few
dates, you should be able to conclude whether you can start a relationship with your
date or not.
98. Don’t date just because your friends and family tell you so.
When you date just because your friends and family tell you so, then you are not being
true to yourself. This can lead you to dates that are not worth remembering, especially if you live it to them in setting you up with someone they know. Thus, it is best that you would go out on a date, because you really want to.
99. Choosing a site for online dating.
Online dating provides you a way to meet people that share your interests. In choosing
the site though, it is best that you do your research about it. By doing that, you would be ensuring that your information is safe. Aside from that, researching can also help you choose a site that would raise your potentials in finding the person you are meant to be with.

100. You don’t have to say that you love a person.
Only say the three magic words, when you really mean it. Thus, you don’t have to say it
when you truly appreciate the other person for his or her actions. Aside from that, even though you really think that you are falling for him or her, you should not say these words until you have begun building the first few blocks of your relationship.
101. What it means if your date tells you he or she loves you.
If a person tells you that he or she loves you, even when you are still at the first or
second date, then it can mean a lot of things. For instance, they may simply want to get you to bed, or are simply not evaluating their feelings well. Nevertheless, this means that he or she is speeding things up, instead of letting your relationship grow on a more natural pace.

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